Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"Á ESPERA DA ONDULAÇÃO GIGANTE" -EXTRA Newspaper - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -Jogo extra - Surfe - page 12-

"À ESPERA DA ONDULAÇÃO GIGANTE - EXTRA Newspaper - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -Jogo Extra -Surfe -page 12 -

                                                                                                      Guito Moreto
                                      Postcard - The Itaúna beach, with the church of "Nossa Senhora do Nazaré"
                                      in the background, is the structure of Rio Pro


More wind should disturb the Rio Pro, which starts again today in Saquarema and may finish only on Thursday

Renato de Alexandrino
and Victor Costa

Prepare the surfboards, the Sea in Itauna is going "up" . The big swell forecasted for this week has already shown up his face in the structure of the Brazilian stage of World Circuit of Surfing - that yesterday did not have competitions.

After a beginning  of the championship with waves not so big, but with excellent formation, the surfers should face the Sea much "bigger" and "heavier".Since the beginning of competition, last week, is already spoken that this swell is arriving. But Ricardo Bocão, that surfs in Saquarema, since the 70's ,did an important alert.

The problem is that tomorrow(today)in the end of the morning comes  a wind so strong that should damage the formation os waves. On Wednesday, the wind decreases a little but the Sea goes down too. On Thursday, we have an excellent forecast of wind, the Sea goes up a little. At my opinion , should be the best day to finish the championship.

He reminds, however, if the Sea has condictions today, the tendence is that Organization places the surfers on the water. For this, there is a big possibility that occurs the four heats of the Recap in the part of the morning, before entering the wind. The call will be at 6:45m.

There is a alternative structure is the  right corner of Itauna beach, site known as Barrinha, that is more protected of the wind, Bocão believe that there is a great chance of the stage to be moved to there.
 When the championship comes back so, the disputes begin with the Recap:
Wiggolly Dantas x Joel Parkinson(AUS); Gabriel Medina x Yago Dora; Jordy Smith(RSA) x Julian Wilson(AUS); and Matt Wilkinson(AUS) x Kanoa Igarashi(USA)

Felipe Toledo
é suspenso
por uma etapa
Felipe Toledo
is suspended
for a stage

The World Surf League released yesterday a punishment due indiscipline to Felipe Toledo: he was suspended for a stage and is out of CT of Fiji, that happen in June. The decision was motivated by reaction of Brazilian when was eliminated of Saquarema's CT, on Saturday. He left the water complaining the judeges, that had noted a interference of him over the American Kanoa Igarashi. He tried to invade a restricted area to competitors for protesting and had to be stopped by the security guards.

"I am a passionable guy and surf is my life", said Felipe bored. I lost my head, and I am so embarrassed by my behavior. I want to apologize with my fans, my sponsors, to the media and the WSL. I assume the straight  responsability for my actions. I am disappointed for missing the next event anxious to be back strong in Jeffreys Bay"
Version above by Paulo Piqueres - Postgraduate in Advanced English - PUC -Pontifície Universidade Católica - Porto Alegre -RS - Brazil
2017 - all rights reserved - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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